AI Keynote Speaker Who Helps You Reach Goals!

AI Keynote Speaker Who Helps You Reach Goals! Chris N. West

AI Speaker Topic below | Chris is an artificial intelligence speaker based in Houston who travels and speaks to many groups


Chris has been an ai keynote speaker for numerous organizations including human resources, government, and more.

Public Speaking AI Topic Below-

Top Artificial Intelligence Trends for Business and Productivity

There are so many ways AI can help your organization and you may be stuck trying to determine which way is the best for you. In this presentation, we cover several new ideas on artificial intelligence that many companies are using in order to get the most out of online digital platforms. It is very easy to get overwhelmed by how fast AI is moving. There are a number of online tools that are now so readily available. We will make sure you are up to date and stay ahead in this new ever-changing landscape.

At the end of this session, your audience will be more confident when it comes to this new technology.

AI for Growth Session Objectives:

  • Learn about top tools such as Chat GPT, Google’s Gemini, and other AI platforms
  • How AI / Artificial Intelligence tools can help with productivity
  • Why its important to act fast in this changing environmentExploring the Future: Hear from a Digital Marketing Trends Speaker in Houston
  • The major benefits of AI

Custom topics around AI are also available

Chris regularly shares messages with different audiences in different industries. He is one of the top AI keynote speakers who focuses on using the tools for growth. Artificial intelligence is moving at a rapid pace. Chris is one of the artificial intelligence speakers who get results for brands of all sizes. AI is changing the way we do business. From small industries to major industries. Chris will help you and your team get AI to work for you which can lead to growth in numerous areas. 

What Chris can offer as an AI keynote speaker.

  • Up-to-date content
  • New ideas around AI
  • How to use the tools for productivity
  • The latest research that can prepare the audience for the future of AI

Other Artificial Intelligence Speaker topics

The Human Helper: AI’s New Frontier in Sales & Marketing

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, AI emerges as a game-changer, offering boundless opportunities to elevate your organization’s marketing strategies







Marketing an AI event. This session will unveil innovative AI tools and techniques that are reshaping the future of marketing and sales. This session will empower you to stay ahead of the curve and gain profit and connection!  This content is crucial whether you’re seeking ideas for customer engagement or communication with your target audience.  By the end of this presentation, audiences will have a deeper understanding of how AI can fuel their marketing and sales efforts, enabling them to navigate this new world with confidence.

This AI session can be great for corporate organizations as well as business events that want to know how to harness the power of AI in their business. Hiring AI speakers that can help your team understand the changing technology is crucial for growth.

Artificial intelligence speakers and AI speakers can help you get you up to speed!

The difference! How Chris stands out as an AI Speaker and business growth expert

-Experience with top technology companies

-Started a Successful Business

-Worked with many brands and companies looking to grow

-Experience talking with groups about growing trends in different industries.

His experience working at one of the top technology companies gave Chris insight into being up to date and aware of future trends. As an artificial intelligence speaker, he covers how businesses and organizations can use these platforms in order to achieve growth in so many areas of their industry.

Chris N. Cheetham-West, MBA is an artificial intelligence speaker who speaks on topics involving AI, marketing, and management.  He is an international speaker, published author, and President of LR Training Solutions. In this former position at Google, he managed marketing programs and strategies for key products.  He is the founder of LR Training Solutions, an international training company with government and corporate clients. Experienced and driven, Chris’s career has allowed him to present in 48 states and various countries including Germany, Canada, and France. Voted top 50 Black Entrepreneurs in 2020 and maintaining a consistent record of excellence, Chris is one of the best keynote speakers around and can help your organization achieve measurable results. Chris N, Cheetham-West has worked with top companies in different industries. He has shared the stage and networked with famous speakers involved in business, marketing, and management.  Many companies work with Chris as a keynote speaker, seminar leader, or consultant.  He is one of the artificial intelligence keynote speakers who takes time with his clients in order to understand needs. As a Chat GPT speaker, he talks about using the tool for business growth. He covers trends for 2023 and future trends for 2024. He got his start as a marketing trends speaker for events while at Google. He was part of a team that would go around the country speaking about the power of Google products. AI resource

Chris is a seasoned speaker who has worked with numerous brands that want to grow. As an AI Speaker he always brings enlightening strategies that help people move forward with their goals. He has presented technology and marketing topics to audiences in  including Houston, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco, Boston, Jacksonville, San Jose, Fort Worth Columbus Charlotte, Austin, Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York City, Indianapolis, Denver, Oklahoma City, Nashville, Las Vegas, Portland, Memphis, Detroit, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Tampa, New Orleans, Cleveland, Honolulu, Cincinnati Anchorage, Tacoma, Wilmington, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Seattle, Chicago, Detroit, Phoenix, and more!


Top Industries Chris has helped below

automotive construction
Financial Services
Real Estate
Dental Dentists
HR Human Resources
Accommodation and Food Services
Business Coaching
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
Retail Trade
Government Employees

So many brands need Artificial intelligence speakers and expert solutions and insights. Lead the way in your industry with up-to-date trends and insights

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künstliche intelligenz

Artificial Intelligence speakers

Past Events

Business Speaker Los Angeles Seminar –

Business Speaker New York City – Seminar

Business Speaker Atlanta – Seminar

Business Keynote Speaker Dallas – Seminar

Business Speaker Germany – Training

Business Keynote Speaker Chicago – Seminar

Business Keynote Speaker San Francisco, CA

Business presenter and speaker – Houston, TX seminars