Beyond Social Media: Creating Memorable Online Experiences

Beyond Social Media: Creating Memorable Online Experiences Chris N. West

Beyond Social Media: Creating Memorable Online Experiences

In today’s digital landscape, what you say online can have a lasting positive or negative impact. This presentation will introduce innovative techniques businesses are using to achieve great customer service online. You will discover strategies for garnering positive reviews and effectively engaging with your audience across various old and new social media platforms.

Join this session to learn:

  • How to craft and deliver clear, impactful messages across multiple social media channels.
  • How to secure excellent reviews and respond to feedback in a way that builds trust and loyalty.
  • Provide excellent customer service online that keeps them coming back 
  • Create awesome online experiences that can translate to in person recommendations

By the end of this presentation, you’ll be equipped with practical skills to elevate your brand’s social media communication and connect more meaningfully with your audience.




Other variation fo the Talk


Communicate Like a Pro on Social Media: How to Get Better Reviews and
Reach the Right Audience
With Chris Cheetham, LR Training Solutions

There are so many ways to market your brand. Which one should your team
choose? This presentation will cover several new ideas businesses are using to get
results online. Within this session, you will learn about getting reviews and responding to people online. Attendees will understand how to communicate effectively when posting to different social sites.

In this class you’ll learn:
• Learn how to be found easily by your target audience using key terms.
• Learn how to reach your audience with a clear message through
multiple channels.
• Obtain great reviews and respond to comments effectively.