Future-Proof Your Marketing: Top Trends & Tactics for Success

Future-Proof Your Marketing: Top Trends & Tactics for Success Chris N. West


Future-Proof Your Marketing: Top Trends & Tactics for Success  (New AI Trends topic available here)

The future of marketing is bright! There are so many ways to market your organization and you may be stuck trying to determine which way is the best for you. In this presentation experience, we cover several new ideas that many companies in your industry are using in order to get the most out of platforms. It is very easy to get overwhelmed by the number of cutting-edge tools and technologies that are now so readily available, but the most important factors are timing and remaining relevant

At the end of this session, your audience will be able to increase performance, grow profit,  and stand out in this ever-evolving marketing landscape.

Future Marketing Trends Keynote or Session Objectives:

  • How to be found easily by your target audience to increase profit
  • How Artificial Intelligence can help grow brands
  • Get engagement that drives growth and demand
  • Reach your audience with a clear message through multiple channels
  • Become aware of new and future marketing trends in  your industry

As a future of marketing speaker Chris stays relevant on business topics. Not only does he mention many marketing trends but he also covers numerous consumer trends that are relevant to your industry. Chris regularly shares messages on top marketing trends with different audiences in different industries. Understanding the future of marketing can help your team succeed. Keynote speaker Chris Cheetham-West can help your team move forward with fresh ideas! One way he stands out as a marketing and future trends speaker is that he focuses on new and relevant content. Not only does he understand audiences but he also engages them during sessions. 

As one of the best marketing trends speakers, He covers topics that can help with numerous areas including customer trends, sales, customer service, and more.

Chris N. Cheetham-West, MBA is a top future marketing trends speaker who deals with marketing! He is an international speaker, published author, and President of LR Training Solutions. His content often involves content about the future of marketing. Speaker profile can be found here.  In this former position at Google, he managed marketing programs and strategies for key products. Experienced and driven, Chris’s career has allowed him to present in 48 states and various countries including Germany, Canada, and France. Voted top 50 Black Entrepreneurs in 2020 and maintaining a consistent record of excellence, Chris is one of the best keynote speakers around and can help your organization achieve measurable results. Chris N, Cheetham-West has worked with top companies in different industries. He has shared the stage and networked with famous speakers involved in business, marketing, and management.  Many companies work with Chris as a keynote speaker, seminar leader, or consultant. He covers trends for 2024 and future trends for years to come. He got his start as a marketing trends speaker for events while at Google. He was part of a team that would go around the country speaking about the power of Google products.

Exploring the Future: Hear from a Digital Marketing Trends Speaker in HoustonIn order to stay ahead of the competition you and your team need to be aware of the top marketing trends that will impact your industry. Digital Marketing Keynote Speaker Atlanta, GA

Topics marketing  keynote topics covered

Spread Your Marketing Efforts Across Various Marketing Platforms

There are many online marketing platforms, and clients hang all over. Don`t confine yourself to one platform. As long as the platform you are marketing for is relevant to your niche, then it`s worth trying.

Putting your marketing efforts into your blog is important, but not everybody loves reading blogs. Meanwhile, even though many people use social media, everybody has a platform that they love. Cast your net wide and draw clients from multiple sources.

Here are some of the best platforms to use:

  • Be aware of how AI can help your brand
  • Create good experience for your customer online

There is a lot of advice surrounding these methods online, which can confuse you. It`s wise to get an experienced internet marketing speaker to guide you.

Create a Unique Brand Voice to grow in marketing

Brand voice is the specific way a brand communicates with its clients in all its marketing channels.

Find a way to communicate with your audience and let them understand you by that. Here are brand voice tips to utilize in your business:

  • Use your customers` language (dialect)
  • Use simple vocabulary
  • Use a friendly conversational tone

As a digital marketing keynote speaker, Chris has researched and worked with top brands on what is working for them.

Business growth & trends speaker that gets results for audiences

Utilize Marketing and Consumer Trends of the future

Popular topics develop daily in the marketing world. Creating marketing content around trending topics can give you much engagement and increase your brand awareness.

Make sure that you create content relevant to your niche. Jumping on trending topics unrelated to your niche can give you engagement but won`t give you any results for your business.

Invite a social media keynote speaker for your marketing event, and you`ll be taught how to choose the right trends to market your business.

Learn How to Reach Your Audience with a Clear Message through Multiple Channels

The hard thing about online marketing is drawing clients` attention. There are many marketing channels to an extent that it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your business.

There are different tricks for every marketing channel. You can`t know all of them. You need to choose a marketing medium that aligns with your business. To avoid much stress in choosing, hire an internet marketing keynote speaker to guide you.

However, here is a guide to help you reach your audience. He is one of the  corporate marketing speakers who puts clients first! Chris is one of the consumer trends speakers who goes over many important topics. 

Contact us today to learn more about how to book Chris as a marketing keynote speaker, session speaker or full day presenter

Digital Marketing For Results – This marketing book covers many new strategies and trends. Marketing Topics go into detail about different areas in online marketing and social media. Purchase (Contact for Bulk Orders)



Chris N. West offers Digital Marketing Training tailored for individuals seeking to acquire new skills and leverage them effectively in various professional settings. Whether you’re a leader, manager, executive, employee, or professional, our training program is designed to assist you. Marketing trends and the future of marketing speaker sessions have been delivered in  in many cities including Houston, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco, Boston, Jacksonville, San Jose, Fort Worth Columbus Charlotte, Austin, Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York City, Indianapolis, Denver, Oklahoma City, Nashville, Las Vegas, Portland, Memphis, Detroit, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Tampa, New Orleans, Cleveland, Honolulu, Cincinnati Anchorage, Tacoma, Wilmington, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Seattle, Chicago, Detroit, Phoenix, and more!

Industries Chris has helped

Dental Dentists
HR Human Resources
Accommodation and Food Services
Business Coaching
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
Retail Trade
Government Employees
Financial Services
Real Estate

If you’re interested, feel free to get in touch with us today or explore our session topics to find the one that best aligns with your specific training requirements.