Additional Topics

Additional Topics Chris N. West

Keynote Speaker &  Session Presenter

Future-Proof Your Marketing: Top Trends & Tactics for Success

The future of marketing is bright! There are so many ways to market your organization and you may be stuck trying to determine which way is the best for you. In this presentation experience, we cover several new ideas that many companies in your industry are using in order to get the most out of platforms. It is very easy to get overwhelmed by the number of cutting-edge tools and technologies that are now so readily available, but the most important factors are timing and remaining relevant

At the end of this session, your audience will be able to increase performance, grow profit,  and stand out in this ever evolving marketing landscape. 

Marketing Trends Keynote or Session Objectives:

  • How to be found easily by your target audience to increase profit
  • How  Artificial Intelligence can help grow brands
  • Get engagement that drives growth and demand
  • Reach your audience with a clear message through multiple channels
  • Become aware of new marketing trends in your your industry

 The Human Helper: AI’s New Frontier in Sales & Marketing 

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, AI emerges as a game-changer, offering boundless opportunities to elevate your organization’s marketing strategies. This session will unveil innovative AI tools and techniques that are reshaping the future of marketing and sales. This session will empower you to stay ahead of the curve and gain profit and connection!  This content is crucial whether you’re seeking ideas  for customer engagement or communication with your target audience.  By the end of this presentation, audiences will have a deeper understanding of how AI can fuel their marketing and sales efforts, enabling them to navigate this new world with confidence.


  • Discover how your brand can establish a strong presence on Chat GPT, Google’s Gemini, and other AI platforms
  • How  Artificial Intelligence tools can help grow brands through sales 
  • Use technology to boost engagement, and drive revenue growth
  • Learn how to reach your audience with better communication using AI


Beyond Social Media: Creating Memorable Online Experiences

In today’s digital landscape, what you say online can have a lasting positive or negative impact. This presentation will introduce innovative techniques businesses are using to achieve great customer service online. You will discover strategies for garnering positive reviews and effectively engaging with your audience across various old and new social media platforms.

Join this session to learn:

  • How to craft and deliver clear, impactful messages across multiple social media channels.
  • How to secure excellent reviews and respond to feedback in a way that builds trust and loyalty.
  • Provide excellent customer service online that keeps them coming back 
  • Create awesome online experiences that can translate to in-person recommendations

By the end of this presentation, you’ll be equipped with practical skills to elevate your brand’s social media communication and connect more meaningfully with your audience.

Loyalty Unlocked: Mastering Customer Experience

The customer experience is everything when it comes to gaining and keeping loyal customers. In these changing times people put experience at the highest priority when they choose who to buy from. In this presentation, Chris will cover key strategies that lead to customers coming back and buying more of your product or service. We will cover the latest trends along with powerful stories that help brands create lasting experiences. 


  • Understand how the entire journey of the customer
  • Learn top trends that help brands connect and serve customers
  • Online and Offline Customer Experience Strategies
  • How  AI, and other technology are being used by brands to maintain and attract new customers.

Supreme Customer Service: Creating Memorable Moments for Lasting Results

Being memorable has a lasting effect. It even helps us share the experiences we had with a brand faster.  In this informative session, Chris will cover key strategies that lead to customers coming back and buying more of your product or service. We will cover the latest trends, technology, AI, and other tools that brands are using to maintain good customer satisfaction and give great experiences. By the end of this session, your audience will be equipped to attract and retain more customers than ever.


  • Learn top trends that help brands connect and serve customers
  • Understand how the entire journey of the customer
  • Learn what customers want and enjoy from brands
  • Drive customer loyalty that lasts
  • Create moments that customers will remember long term


Lead in a Virtual World: Strategies for Leading, Managing, and Engaging Teams in a Hybrid Work Environment 


Working on remote and virtual teams can be a challenge. As a leader of a remote workforce, you may face problems with working with people who are not in front of you on a daily and weekly basis.  Maintaining productivity, and culture, and having team members feel connected is crucial for growth. This motivational session will provide proven strategies that will help leaders have successful hybrid teams while improving employee satisfaction and performance.


  • Learn techniques to preserve and promote your organization’s values and culture in a virtual environment.
  • Leveraging Online Technology by Utilizing the latest online tools and platforms to enhance collaboration and communication among team members.
  • Develop methods to inspire and motivate better performance on remote teams 
  • Learn strategies to keep team members accountable and focused on reaching their goals.
  • Keep it fun during meetings and activities with remote team members



Past Topics & Descriptions

We offer a variety of keynote and session presentation topics.

Our most popular sessions:

3 Marketing Trends You Need to Know Now

Marketing needs to be constant and frequent. However, there are so many ways to market, and it can be difficult when making a decision on which way is best. In this seminar, we will discuss ideas on how to get the most out of our online platforms. Within this seminar, your audience will develop confidence in how to implement online strategies.

View our Marketing Keynote Speaker to learn more.

2 Day Digital Marketing Seminar

In this seminar, your team will learn about many trending marketing strategies that have proven to be successful in many organizations. Seminar topics include social media, strategic marketing, online advertising, email marketing, analytics, and much more.

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?                                               

In this session, you will learn about SEO and the key strategies for your organization to be able to rank higher in search engines. This training details how to use quick tips if you are a manager that is busy with other tasks. There are many different tools and tactics that need to be used to succeed in the search engine rankings. This training can be geared for corporate SEO or small business and organizations.


Some of our other topics include:

LinkedIn Strategies for Success

Learn how to use LinkedIn for career and business success. In this seminar, your company will learn about the importance of LinkedIn and how to build an online presence using many popular strategies. Understanding how to recruit, network, and grow sales is essential to the longevity of your organization.

Using Social Media Strategically

Learn how to manage your social media platform to ensure you’re maximizing your company and focusing on what truly matters. With so many available platforms, this seminar aims to provide some clarity on the subject.

 Time Management for More Productivity and Profits

Learn how to manage your time effectively by prioritizing key items throughout your day. In this seminar, we aim to discuss how to increase productivity to create better work environments and better manage your tasks. Successful time management can lead to better products and increased profits. If you increase productivity the team and organization can gain more results long term.

Better Results  from Remote and Virtual Teams 

Remote teams are often very difficult to manage. In this session, we will teach you how to overcome these challenges, and cultivate strong relationships while working remotely.

Review the following links to learn more about this topic:

Reports for Growth: Google Analytics Presentation

Google Analytics can be very overwhelming for many to use. In this seminar, we will discuss what tools are necessary to succeed in making changes to your online customer activity. In addition, we will review many of the available features.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Speakers 

Learn about SEO and the necessity for your organization to begin properly implementing it today! This seminar will provide your audience with detailed descriptions and tools to help them increase their online branding and awareness.

Select your own content

We can discuss many other topics that you’d like. Contact us to discuss topics you’re interested in learning more about

Recent and past events where Chris served as a digital marketing speaker:

Social Media Conference Speaker – San Diego

Oil & Gas Admins International Conference – Houston

2 Day Digital Marketing Seminar Speaker – Chicago

Social Media Breakfast – Houston

Real Estate Workshop – Houston

Accion Texas Small Business – San Antonio

Get America Online – Google Events – Marketing

Book Chris as your next Keynote Speaker, Session Speaker, or one-day Program Presenter!