Knowing the best way to market your bank is important! There are so many options to choose from when it comes to finding out how to get more members to your financial institution. Something Chris has observed is that banks need to stay on top of trends in order to stay competitive in their markets. For example, let’s say a family moves to a different state and decides to choose a new bank in that city. Guess what the first thing they might do is? They will probably do a Google search! 97% of people search online before making a purchase online or offline. Being aware of how to market to these people would mean great results for your banks.
Chris suggests the following:
- Optimize your website for search engines. This means creating good content as well as integrating key techniques across your digital platforms.
- Be on top of your customer’s minds. This means to use social media platforms to not only be in front of current customers but also encourage others to join. They may see others interacting and decide to join in.
Chris has experience presenting to banks of different sizes. His discussion topics focus on how banks can use search engine optimization, analytics, and other digital marketing tactics for online growth.
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