Work with him as GA4 Speaker and consultant
Topic: Use Google Analytics 4 to generate more traffic (Keynote Session or training from a certified expert GA4 Consultant)
– Present a detailed presentation on what the Ga4 platform is all about. The format depends on the needs of the audience.
Chris Discussing GA4 updates
- Recent Interviews on Google Analytics 4
- Hear Google Analytics expert consultant speak on the Ga4 changes on Neal Schaffer’s podcast In this interview Chris covers key aspects of the GA4 platform and what it can do for businesses.
- Chris mentioned in Google Analytics 4 Article: Content Marketing Institute

GA4 Consultant at AMA Houston Marketing Edge Conference held Thursday November 9, 2023 at the Bell Tower in Houston, TX.
Nathan Lindstrom Photography
The new Google tool helps brands better understand how users behave from the beginning of the journey up until they convert. There are many differences between Ga4 and universal analytics. As a Google analytics consultant, Chris provides the latest updates and changes to GA4 at the time of the project.
Past and current Google Analytics clients ( As a Ga4 consultant and speaker) Chris offers in-person or virtual training on Google Analytics